Allgemein Filmszene Aktuell

“Ukrainian New Wave” @KHM

An event dedicated to the second year since the full-scale invasion against Ukraine (in English) – organized by students at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne, with the support of the Ukrainian embassy in Düsseldorf, Dovzhenko Center in Kyiv, Ukrainian Culture Network, and Ukrainian Institut

Samstag, 24. Februar 2024, 19 Uhr
Aula der KHM
Filzengraben 2, 50676 Köln
Free Entrance

Screening program:
“Ukrainian New Wave. Before sunrise”
Also there are going to be interviews with volunteers, documentary shorts from students and colleagues: – “Yahidne” “You’ll live a long life”, and others.
The goal of the event is to collect donations for volunteer organizations in Ukraine

About the screening program:
For more than ten years, the National Film Archive of Ukraine Dovzhenko Center has been compiling a collection called “Ukrainian New Wave” with the best and most interesting short films from the vibrant Ukrainian film scene. This time they are presenting a special selection: This one documents and reflects the state of emergency in Ukraine and for Ukrainians after February 24, 2022 from the perspective of young and already established Ukrainian filmmakers. “Ukrainian New Wave. Before the Sunrise” was realized thanks to the financial support of the “Culture of Solidarity” fund of the European Cultural Foundation.

The project was organized by the Ukrainian Institute in Germany and the Ukrainian Film Festival Berlin in cooperation with the Dovzhenko Centre.

Please note: During the event there will be sensitive uncensored content that could be triggering for some audiences
